How the Human Services Council is Bridging Gaps in Healthcare Access
Access to healthcare is essential to overall well-being and should be available to all. However, the situation is far from ideal, with many people falling behind due to differences in access to high-quality healthcare. To guarantee a healthier, more just future for everybody, we must close the gaps in healthcare accessibility, which we examine in…

How Human Services Improve Quality of Life for Elderly Populations
Over 50s make up an increasing percentage of the world’s population. For all ages, this population shift has profound socio economic and political ramifications. Both materially and intangibly, older people contribute much to society, and younger generations gain from their wisdom. Social workers are in a unique position to support systems for aging populations and…

The Importance of Cultural Competence in Human Services Professions
The area of human services is extensive, yet at its core, everyone deserves to have their fundamental human needs satisfied. Human services graduates can pursue careers in many additional fields, but the most popular ones include social workers, therapists, community health specialists, and counselors. What exactly is Cultural Competency in Social Work? Understanding the fundamental…
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